
bouncer2d-8x6 tabletop computer (prototype)

en español: bouncer-2d prototipo

a tabletop non-electronic, human-scale, very-slow computer with an 8x6 monochromatic screen. a prototype of beans computing.

following a simple set of rules, you can collaborate with it to compute and display an animation of a ball bouncing in the walls of the screen, one frame at a time.

a sequence of four frames showing two paper boards with black and soy beans in them: the one in the left contains the processing cells, and the one in the right looks like a screen composed of soy beans except for one, which seems to be moving from the top left corner to the bottom and right.


bouncer2d-8x6 ready to be printed (pdf)


the computer has two pages, both of them with "cells". it has a total of four sections.

first page:

second page:

how to use:

for the top row

for all the other cells

incoming links